

產(chǎn)品名稱:high precision four-high reversible rough and intermediate



item unit parameter
mode   four-high reversible
material   copper and copper alloy
width mm ≤450
thickness of input mm ≤16
thickness of output mm ≥0.5±0.005
weight of coil Kg 3000;? 6000
working roller mm Φ285x600; Φ330x600
sustain roller mm Φ620x550; Φ760x560
rolling speed m/min ≤180; ≤240
rolling force KN ≤7000
power KW 750;522X2(parallel)
the weight of equipment kg 190000
dimension mm
莒南县| 武功县| 汨罗市| 嘉黎县| 汉中市| 游戏| 贵南县| 景德镇市| 平乡县| 修文县| 淮南市| 资中县| 观塘区| 镇安县| 洛隆县| 汽车| 天全县| 靖安县| 柳州市| 黄石市| 方城县| 依兰县| 策勒县| 保定市| 大丰市| 车险| 筠连县| 沿河| 项城市| 祁门县| 长寿区| 南召县| 兴业县| 桃江县| 旬邑县| 安新县| 喀喇沁旗| 武鸣县| 溧水县| 满城县| 达尔|